Although there will be no steam train passenger service on the West Somerset Railway from now until the first night of the Dunster by Candlelight operations on December 2nd and the start of Santa Trains on December 3rd the Buffer stop shop and Turntable Café at Minehead station will be open daily until the end of the year
Turntable cafe will be open between 10.00am and 2.30pm offering hot lunches including toasted sandwiches, soup of the day and roast lunches on Sundays. The Buffer Stop Shop open 10am to 3.30pm, offers a range of WSR souvenirs, railway and transport books, model railway sets and accessories a wide range of thomas the tank engine toys and games for children not forgetting our WSR clothing range. Our online shop available via www.west-somerset-railway.co.uk or phone enquiries and orders can be made via 01643 700387. Perfect Christmas gifts WSR’s 2017 calendar, new wine glasses and great choice of gifts for around £5.00
West Somerset Railway General Manager Paul Conibeare commented:- “The Turntable Café had a successful opening season during autumn and winter 2015 -16 and we hope that we will see visitors browsing and buying in the Buffer Stop Shop in the weeks leading up to Christmas.”