BTTS 2016 will see the launch of new Guide for Groups from Best Western Hotels Great Britain.
The invaluable guide for Coach and Group organisers alike gives information on all its 220 plus group friendly hotels in the UK , covering the length of breadth of mainland Britain, information included are those hotels with coach parking, lifts, disabled facilities, ground floor availability , and for 2016 sees hotels featured where single rooms are available free of any supplements .
The brochure also features details of Best Western’s “exclusive”, Coach Friendly Charter (available at over 150 of their properties, as well as full information of their very popular meal and tea/coffee stop programme.
The new guide will also showcase the new branding which has now been launched throughout it’s portfolio of hotels not just in the UK but at over 4000 hotels worldwide .
Come along and see members of the BW groups team at BTTS and pick up your new copy of the brochure.
Alternatively please contact Best Western Hotels on 01904 695550 for your personal copy