Guest Article from WeSwap
The UK’s largest P2p travel money provider WeSwap and its staff share tips on how to work at home effectively
The current COVID-19 crisis enveloping the world has forced everyone to change their normal routines and habits. A few weeks ago, millions of employees enjoyed working alongside their colleagues in the comfort of a shared office space, offering them a place to socialise whilst working. Now, given the current pandemic, huge swathes of the population will be working from home, logging on via their laptops and phones.
WeSwap, a travel money provider, whose team is currently working away from the WeSwap HQ, share what they are currently doing to make working from home work for them.
1. Stay in touch
It’s easy to feel alone and isolated away from the buzz of a workplace. This goes double if you’re having to self-isolate. So, make sure you stay in touch with colleagues and friends.
“Call people up. It’s nice to hear your colleagues’ voice – especially if you’ve had enough of listening to your other half!” – Maria, Assistant Accountant
2. Set up a workspace
If you can, set up a workstation with all your essentials, like it’s an office. That way you can trick your brain into thinking you’re at work.
“Each morning I set up my laptop, my notebook and a couple of pens down at the kitchen table, almost like I’m unpacking my office. If I start to feel unproductive, I take my laptop to the sofa and work from their for a bit – like I would at WeSwap HQ.” – Harry, Head of Content
3. Get focussed
In a house full of distractions, with the TV just a room away, it can be hard to get your head down. Finding ways to stay focussed is vital in the home office.
“I make sure I keep a morning routine to get me ready for work. Then I block off periods of ‘deep work’ where I turn off my phone and laptop notifications so I can’t be distracted.” – Melody, UX Designer
4. Stay active
With no commute or walk to work and an uncomfortable day working from the sofa or dining room table make sure you stay active. It’s especially vital if we need to spend more and more time inside over the next few months.
“I suggest planning in movement. Make sure you get up regularly and walk around. It’s good for your circulation and motivation. There are also plenty of short exercise videos you can find for free online.” – Jaki, Chief Operations Officer
5. Eat & drink well
Working next to a fully stocked fridge can lean to a snack-based diet that just wouldn’t be possible in the office. On the other hand, with no lunch break, it can be easy to work straight through lunch without realising.
“I try to eat and drink as I would in the office. I have breakfast before I start and a coffee as I check my morning emails. I take an hour for lunch at 1pm and make sure I’m getting up regularly for cups of tea, pieces of fruit and plenty of water!” – George, Digital Marketing Manger