Poland is beginning to re-open to tourists, announcing new policy measures for visitors and organisations within the sector to help restore the tourism sector ahead of prospective border openings.
Poland has begun to open up by easing some of the restrictions imposed by lockdown, particularly in the hospitality industry. Detailed guidelines for hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions have been announced by the Ministry of Development and the Polish Tourism Organisation. Hospitality and retail businesses were officially allowed to re-open earlier in May, based on conditions to follow strict regulations.
Thanks to an effective COVID-19 strategy, Poland is one of Europe’s lesser hit countries with under 20,000 cases and under 1000 deaths. This has enabled the country to become one of the earliest to re-open their hospitality industry. The aim is to ensure businesses are well prepared to welcome back both domestic and foreign tourists.
Each business operating in the hospitality industry must adopt the following procedures:
- Limits to the number of individuals staying in a building, both visitors and staff
- Implement temperature checks before entering a building – individuals who show possible symptoms of the disease will not be allowed to enter
- Staff must wear face masks and gloves all the time
- Provide regular disinfections of public areas and locations such as counters, handles, payment terminals, hotel room keys, elevators, toilets etc
All future visitors to Poland who are planning to travel shall follow the below advices:
- Only travel when you are in good health
- Only travel with the people you live with
- Cover your nose and mouth on public transport
- Observe sanitary and epidemiological safety rules in every place you visit
- Visit the Ministry of Development website for current updates before you book a hotel
- Avoid crowded places and keep social distancing wherever possible
- If you become sick during your trip, remain in your room, and notify the staff of the facility where you are staying
While restaurants remain closed, Polish hotels were allowed to re-open from Monday 18th May. Guests can dine only at their rooms (room service deliveries). This also applies to hotel gyms, shared spaces and swimming pools which all remain closed.
Restaurants, cafes, hairdressers and beauty salons also re-opened as of Monday the 18th of May, but are obliged to apply social distancing measures and keep people two metres apart.
Shopping centres, museums and galleries re-opened on 4th May, allowing one customer per 15sqm of space. Face coverings in public will remain obligatory. Borders remain closed to all international arrivals until at least the 12th June.
If the situation remains positive, we may be able to open our borders in late June. We would love to welcome back all foreign tourists, particularly those arriving from the UK. Over the last few years, we have noticed a significant growth in the number of Brits visiting Poland. We are hoping that the ongoing situation will not discourage them from holidaying in our country and Poland will remain on their travel list” – summarises Mrs Iwona Bialobrzycka, director of the Polish National Tourist office in London.
For more information, the most reliable source of information concerning current rules and restrictions are available on these websites: www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus and www.gis.gov.pl
For more information on what to do in Poland, please visit: https://www.poland.travel/en