Families and schools are being invited to discover The Secret At Christmas – a new experience being staged at St George’s Hall Liverpool this festive season.
The iconic city landmark is the perfect backdrop to discover and learn all about Christmas traditions by taking a special journey along the venue’s historic corridors and catacombs. The Secret At Christmas is a new 90-minute walk-through experience, which runs between Friday 21 November and Saturday 13 December.
The experience is being brought to St George’s Hall by Christian Charity In Another Place, the creative team who also brought the hugely popular Narnia Experience to St George’s Hall in 2011 and 2013.
This time round, visitors will meet a team of enthusiastic scientists who are working to discover the real essence of Christmas and all its traditions. Watch them at work and help them with their investigations. The experience is suitable for all ages and takes place every 15 minutes for groups of up to 30 visitors. Special time slots are available for school groups.
In Another Place also want to hear from volunteers who would like to take part, from helping with costumes to donating Christmas decorations to form part of the set.
Telephone 0151 924 4468 or email admin@inanotherplace.com for more details.