From flamboyant peacocks and historic buildings to picturesque countryside on the doorstep, Corsham offers something special for its visitors.
Just 20 minutes from Bath and a short drive from Jct 17 of the M4, the Wiltshire town boasts a stately home, Corsham Court (www.corsham-court.co.uk), The Pound Arts Centre (poundarts.org.uk), award-winning independent shops and food and drink stops on its heritage High Street – and free-ranging peacocks!
Corsham is also a part-time film set, having famously featured in productions including Remains of the Day, Poldark, and, most recently, Rivals, the new version of Jilly Cooper’s classic.
Why not come and discover all that Corsham has to offer?
Coach drop-off points and parking: Please contact the team at Corsham Town Council for more details, as this will depend on coach size.