The Aylesbury WhizzFizzFest – inspired by Roald Dahl, will be taking place on Saturday 30 June in Aylesbury town centre.
This year the event will be themed around Magic and Mystery and will kick off with a parade involving hundreds of local school age children from across the Vale of Aylesbury and beyond. Inspired by their favourite children’s books, young people are helped to produce unique and exciting artwork that is showcased to an audience of thousands as the town bursts into life with a riot of colour and music to celebrate children’s literature.
Headlining this year’s WhizzFizzFest event will be ballerina extraordinaire and Strictly Come Dancing judge, Dame Darcey Bussell, who will oversee a spectacular Magic of the Dance competition featuring students from local schools. Dame Darcey will warm up the audience with her dancers before judging the five finalists. Each team in the final will be introduced by Darcey and the winning team will perform once again to close the show.
And adding a dusting of gold to the glittering day will be the appearance of Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill who will host a question and answer session for her many fans and budding future Olympians. Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill will also tell us about her magical new book from her series Evie’s Magic Bracelet.
Both Dame Darcey and Dame Jessica will be available to sign copies of their latest books later in the day at Waterstones Book shop.
Tickets go on sale on 1 March and can be obtained online by visiting www.whizzfizzfest.org.uk where you can also find more details about what is planned and get news of other exciting celebrity guests and much, much more.