7.30pm, Saturday 28 May, Perth Concert Hall
Tickets £22 (concessions £20). Under 16s £16.50
Formed over 150 years ago and hailing from Queensbury, Black Dyke Band is the most recorded band in the world with over 350 recordings and growing every year. In October 2020 the band’s recording of music by John Rutter become the first by a brass band to reach No.1 in the classical music chart. It is also the most successful contesting band in the world having won the European Championships thirteen times, most recently in 2015, the British Open no fewer than 30 times and the National Championships of Great Britain 23 times.
Under the direction of Music Director Professor Nicholas Childs, the Black Dyke Band will bring the 50th Perth Festival of Arts to an exciting close with a celebratory programme of popular and classical works, alongside cinematic favourites.
Opening with the Band’s signature march Queensbury by James Kaye, the programmes continues with Brand’s arrangement of Berlioz’ rousing La Corsaire overture, a suite from one of the nation’s best-loved contemporary works, Karl Jenkins’ The Armed ManMass, and a variety of other pieces.
The second half of the concert sees ‘Black Dyke at the Movies’ as audiences enjoy cinematic classics including Harry Potter, James Bond and Pirates of the Caribbean, alongside a number of works showcasing the talents of the Band’s soloists.
For details of the full Festival line-up including dates, times and ticket information visit www.perthfestival.co.uk